Friday, June 28, 2024


Today, after countless eons of contention, fact and opinion have finally reached a truce.  As quoted from their press conference:

OPINION: Today is a great day in our history together.

FACT: Today is a  day in our history together.

OPINION: Yes, indeed; that’s a fact.

What this means for the rest of us is that we no longer have to worry about whether a claim is objective or subjective.  From this day forward, anything anyone asserts is both.

Astute observers will note that this has been the case in political and public discourse for some time, and many will assert that it’s been this way in aesthetics all along and guess what?  They’re all correct and how couldn’t they be?

This development will, of course, do wonders for domestic tranquility.  If one member of the household says, “It’s cold in here,” no longer will another member have to retort that “As a matter of fact, it isn’t,” because now, as a matter of fact, it’s an opinion, anyway.  How convenient!

And if one party at the table says that the dish is too salty and the other says it’s not salty enough, they’re both right!  Isn’t this wonderful?

Of course, there may be some issues the follow from the truce.  I’m not sure I want to be a passenger on an airplane designed by a team of designers whose calculations aren’t subject to an objective standard, but given the way that it appears companies like Boeing have been operating of late, things might not change all that much, anyway.

Also, if all opinions are facts and vice-versa, then it’s going to be difficult to adjudicate many legal claims and responsibilities; on the other hand, this may go a long way towards mitigating the biasing effect of money upon the proceedings and so might result in better outcomes in the long run.

Some might say “better” is just an opinion; not now, though; it’s a fact, as well.