Monday, August 8, 2022


I’m a fully grown-ass person—officially a Senior Citizen!—with loads of life experience and an advanced degree in Philosophy, but there’s still much about the world I don’t understand.

For instance, what’s the point of a humanned mission to Mars?  Seems like an incredible amount of money and resources for not that much payoff.  I suppose it would be sort of cool to be the first human on another planet, but the scientific knowledge to be gained from such an enterprise couldn’t possibly be worth it—unless, of course, there really are little green men up there, which, guess what?  There aren’t.  And we don’t need space boots on the Martian ground to prove it.

Or why, in this day and age, do so many world leaders still feel it necessary to command their military to kill people in other countries?  I understand their rationale—national security or whatever—but I don’t understand why their rationale could be considered rational enough to justify killing people.

I’m also puzzled by the phenomenon of stuffed crust pizza.  Isn’t the point of pizza crust to be the respite from cheese?  Why not just not have a crust and go for double-cheese?

And, of course, this marks me as an old person, (but if the shoe fits, you know), but why do people have to record some much of their concert-going experiences on their phones?  Doesn’t it make more sense to be more present in the present rather than having the present experience be a way to present it to the future?

Also, I’d be lying if I said I understood why anyone needs a superyacht.  If it’s just a way for billionaires to spend money and employ people, then, okay, I guess, but why not just a regular yacht?  If it was good enough for J.P. Morgan, shouldn’t it be good enough for Sergy Brin?

Finally, why is anyone compelled to rant to strangers online?  That, I’ll never get.

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