Tuesday, September 13, 2022


 There are so many things I just don’t understand.

For instance, how is it possible to simultaneously believe that an all-powerful God puts an immaterial soul into a zygote while also believing that that it’s morally imperative that this zygote be carried to birth by the woman whether she wants to or not?  If what matters is this immaterial soul, then why should the zygote matter at all?  Can’t God just put the soul into another zygote, no questions asked?  I don’t get it.

Or, why do some cars (or, that is, the people driving them) just have to pass me on my bike when I’m going downhill at the speed limit?  Would they feel the same way if I were in a small car?  Is it really just the pace I’m traveling at or is it something about being behind a bicycle that just makes them crazy?

Or, what’s the fascination with prepping a survivalist bunker for the apocalypse?  Who wants to live underground eating canned food after the nuclear holocaust or whatever?  Just let me die along with the rest of humanity when the asteroid hits.

And, on a related note, I’m sorry, I can’t see the point of pursuing immortality, or even, like all these Silicon Valley billionaires, wanting to live to be 200 years old or so.  It’s hard enough to make a meaningful life into one’s eighties (or, hell, even one’s thirties!), much less forever.  So, count me out.

Speaking of billionaires, I'm still puzzled about a hu-manned mission to Mars,  Just go to Burning Man for two weeks; it’s essentially the same environment, only with more sequins and glowsticks.

I don’t really get Soylent, either.  If you don’t have time to eat food, it seems like time to change your lifestyle, not your diet, if you ask me.

Finally, the most puzzling thing of all: why are so many people so mean to others?  What's so hard to understand about the Golden Rule?

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