“Everything arises and passes away” is how the Buddhists put it and, these days, it couldn’t be truer.
No longer is my beloved aftershave, Old Spice, being produced by Proctor and Gamble.
Tillamook Cheese seems to have changed the recipe of my favorite cheese, Extra Sharp White Cheddar, so that instead of being crumbly and sharp, it’s now waxy and bland.
Chrome Bags have discontinued making the Kursk, the shoe I have worn almost daily for probably two decades.
The software on the printers at school has stopped allowing you to customize the paper size when you scan a document, so the pages of books get cut off or are formatted weirdly.
My doctor doesn’t let you ask questions anymore during your annual check-up; you have to schedule a special consultation (and pay extra) for that.
And try to find an 8-speed rear hub for your bike that doesn’t sounds like angry bees when it freewheels; forget about it.
Of course, I should be equanimous about all this and not cling to or crave after what, by its very nature, is ephemeral. I, too, am only here for a short time, all things considered, so why should I complain when everything else is subject to the same impermanent reality of all things?
But, fuck!
What am I supposed to do now, after shaving? How am I going to enjoy my mac n’ cheese anymore? Do I have to go back to buying Chuck Taylors, even though they hurt my feet and don’t keep me warm and dry in the winter?
It just makes you want to hasten your own inevitable disappearance from this material realm, doesn’t it? If all the things that make up everyday experience cease to be, why not cease to be oneself?
If I weren’t around to complain about the demise of my aftershave, cheese, shoes, etc., then I wouldn’t have anything to complain about, would I?
And this blog could disappear, as well.