Monday, August 18, 2014


Summer is great all by itself, but it’s the combinations it makes possible that propel its excellence into the stratosphere.

Case in point: swimming in Lake Washington is a superb way to spend time and would provide sufficient entertainment on its own, but when you get to combine it with a beer, a book, and a beach towel, then we’re talking transcendent enjoyment.

Similarly, there’s much to be said for a bike ride; if that’s all you’re doing, you’re doing well.  In summertime, though, one has the opportunity to combine pedal-powered transportation with early evening cannabis consumption: as the sun begins to set on the slightly stoned cyclist, he or she realizes how wonderful it is to be alive in the verdant bubble of our fair city; the addition of the THC molecule to what had already been pretty great makes it even better.

The combination of reading a book on the couch in the middle of the day and eventually dozing off for an afternoon nap is one of the hallmarks of summer delight; either of those two activities are commendable; put them together and you’ve got something out of this world.

Who doesn’t love pink wine?  And isn’t a salad with butter lettuce, green beans, boiled potatoes, and blue cheese just about the tastiest summer meal there is?  Put them together and dine al fresco on the back patio: such a combination, were it judged solely on the basis of how much pleasure it produces, should surely be illegal.  That it isn’t—that it is both possible and legal—is yet another combination not to be missed.

I suppose it could be construed as a little greedy to embrace such amalgamations of pleasure when, in most cases, a single helping would do.  If a dip in Lake Washington is enough, isn’t it a bit excessive to include the beer and book, as well?

Perhaps, but the combination of joy and guilt improves the experience, too.

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